JavaScript workshop by LW

Prithviraj Singh
2 min readJun 14, 2021

On 12–13 June 2021 I attended JavaScript Workshop By LinuxWorld Informatics Pvt Ltd.
In this workshop I learnt:-

  • Other than accessing the website, browser acts as an interpreter that interprets html, css and js code to display it’s output.
  • Event is any action we do on the browser Window. The HTML p tag has multiple events like onclick, onmouseover, etc that can be used to interact with the browser.
  • There are three ways in which we can add JavaScript to HTML pages Embedding code, Inline code, External file.
  • We can print statement in JavaScript using document.write().
  • JavaScript Framework is an application framework written in javascript, JS frameworks are collections of JavaScript code libraries. examples of JS frameworks are ReactJS, AngularJS, etc
  • alert() is used to display alert boxes in JavaScript.
  • The div tag is used for defining a section or a division in an HTML page while the id attribute is used to label sections or parts of your HTML document.
  • getElementById() is used to get a particular element from the code with that Id whereas innerHTML stores the content of the element.
  • onClick will perform certain functions after clicking on the tag
    mouseOver will perform a task if someone put the cursor on the tag
    responsiveVoice.speak() function is used to speak in JS
  • The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents.
  • Javascript supports alert, prompt and confirm boxes.
    The Browser Object Model (BOM) is a browser-specific convention referring to all the objects exposed by the web browser. It allows JavaScript to interact with the browser.
  • We can integrate CSS with JavaScript with the help of the style keyword.
    AJAX is a framework that provides a faster and dynamic website, where a section of HTML code can be updated without refreshing it.
  • A client (browser) sends an HTTP request to the server; then the server returns a response to the client.
  • The fetch API provides a promise-based way to send HTTP requests in JavaScript.
  • Synchronous means to be in a sequence, i.e. every statement of the code gets executed one by one. Asynchronous code allows the program to be executed immediately where the synchronous code will block further execution of the remaining code until it finishes the current one.
  • To use JSON in javascript we need to parse the data using JSON.parse()
  • Get and Post methods are the HTTP request methods used inside the tag to send form data to the server.
  • There are 3 parts of a loop- initialization, condition and incrementation.
  • The pre tag is used to insert a preformatted text into an HTML document

A huge thanks to LinuxWorld Informatics Pvt. Ltd. team and Vimal13 Sir for arranging such an amazing and informative workshop for us.

That’s all folks, thank you for reading✨🔥
You rock 🤩

